In a region where waste is accumulating and job opportunities are scarce, Ayman Al-Di'ayani, a fourth-year public relations student, decided to establish the "Green Ornament Shop" as a practical solution to the problem of accumulating scrap. The project aims to recycle these materials and turn them into beautiful decorative items sold at affordable prices, encouraging environmental awareness and improving the quality of life.


#### **From Idea to Reality: How It All Started**


The idea came from childhood memories. Ayman recalls, "We used to make beautiful things from the scrap we found, and I always felt there was an opportunity to revive those days in a way that benefits the community." This childhood inspiration led Ayman to think about how to transform unused materials into products with real value. After studying the concept, he decided to develop it into a project with multiple goals, including raising environmental awareness, providing a source of income, and creating job opportunities for others.


#### **Challenges and Opportunities in the Green Ornament Shop**


The project heavily relies on a team of Ayman and three female colleagues who work with him in crafting decorative items from recycled materials. Additionally, they are supported by a person responsible for collecting the necessary materials, ensuring the continuity of production. The project faces challenges in marketing and delivery, particularly since the shop operates online to reduce operational costs. Ayman acknowledges that challenges are part of any project and emphasizes the importance of good planning, stating, "Dreams can only be achieved through working on a successful and detailed plan."


#### **The Social and Environmental Impact of the Green Ornament Shop**


The "Green Ornament Shop" seeks to achieve several community goals, including encouraging residents to think about responsible consumption and recycling, and improving the environment by reducing waste. Moreover, the project aims to enhance the quality of life by providing decorative items that add beauty to personal and public spaces. Through these efforts, Ayman hopes the project will contribute to increasing environmental awareness and serve as a model for the community.


For Ayman, this project is not just an opportunity to earn an income; it is part of his dream to become a successful entrepreneur and a leader in social entrepreneurship. "My dream is to become a successful businessman and leave a positive mark on my community through this project," says Ayman, as he looks forward to expanding the scope of the "Green Ornament Shop" to include new areas and services that contribute to raising environmental awareness and achieving sustainable development.


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